It's almost 7 in the morning and I'm still up. Well, I'm not sure if I will go to bed at all because I have to pack now and get on a plane in 10 hours.

I'm off to San Francisco. What for? I'm actually producing a film which we'll be shooting in SF in March. However, it's a Korean film and it takes place in Korea. Then why are we shooting in the States? That's a good question. :)

Next week, I'm also visiting LA and attending Sundance Film Festival. Should be fun but also quite hectic.

The next few months are going to be really busy. Busy is good. But I gotta think about a lot of things for the upcoming projects. Producing is fun and quite rewarding. But also I haven't quite quit directing. Juggling them is tricky. Is Expats going to be a reality anytime soon?


Unknown said…
Hi Mr. Chin,

I recently contacted you using the gmail account listed on IMDB pro. I was wondering if this was an appropriate avenue of communication, and if not how else I could possibly contact you.

Thank you for maintaining such an interesting blog, I'm a big fan!

Davis Jung
2008 Ivy League Film Festival Co-Director

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