Saw SECRET SUNSHINE last weekend. The leading lady Jeon Do-yeon won the Best Actress Award at Cannes Film Festival for the movie. It's an ambitious film but it disappointed in a big way because maybe I expected too much. I felt as though the director was condescending toward the Christians. He lacked empathy. I understood what he was trying to say but couldn't side with him. Oh, well.


kelvinwong said…
I am now intrigued to check out this film---especially how you described it as ambitious ... disappointed ... condescending toward the Christians, and how IMDb categorized as a comedy/romance despite the tragic subject matter.

On another matter, I would not want to distract you from focussing on your current project, but was wondering if you would consider reading an original screenplay later this year? I saw your response to the aspiring director a couple of weeks ago that you would be busy until the end of summer. It is only half finished (60 pages) right now so it will not be ready until the end of summer or towards year end anyways.
Unknown said…
Usually I don't read unsolicited material and I am always doing something. However, when you're done, you can send me a synopsis and if it's intriguing, I'll have someone at my company review it. Is that fair? Thanks anyway.
kelvinwong said…
So I finally saw this film (Milyang, Secret Sunshine) this past weekend. Unfortunately, there were no English sub-titles so my wife had to translate and I am sure I lost some of the writer/director's meanings and nuances. I will have to get a sub-titled version and watch it again sometime.

I can see how you felt it was ambitious and to some degree disappointing. It is hard to determine if the writer/director Lee (Yi) is a Christian or not. That is, if his portrayal of Christians was one of that of a non-Christian, or one from a Christian commenting on the church.

However, my greater confusion comes from not knowing if the writer/director was saying that the Shin-ae character's initial "peace" from her "conversion" was short-lived because her conversion was "pre-mature and incomplete" (and therefore stating God's ways are difficult to understand and mysterious and seemingly secretive, and feeling His "sunshine"/warmth/love is elusive yet possible), or, that what she seeks is unattainable altogether.

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