Tonight, I just witnessed the birth of a classic. An instant classic... A campy classic... A bad classic.

SNAKES ON A PLANE totally exceeded my expectations. It couldn't have been better than this. A horror thriller with lots of snakes and a male body part swallowed by a snake. What more could you ask for?

I bet 10 years from now, people would be lining up around the corner for a midnight screening with fake snakes around their necks, chanting
"I've had it enough with these mother f*cking snakes on this mother f*cking plane!"

Okay, we know a sequel is going to be greenlit tomorrow morning. How about a Broadway musical? Can we envision a snake dance choreographed by Susan Stroman?

Is it possible that this movie was inspired by a real life incident in Korea 18 years ago when angry Korean filmmakers actually threw snakes into a movie theater showing FATAL ATTRACTION because it was released by a Hollywood studio directly without a local distributor? Interestingly, the bad guy in this movie (okay, spoiler!!!) is named Eddie Kim!!!


Anonymous said…
LOL, I gotta watch that movie, i love horror and have a huge reptile phobie. There's nothing better than that!!!
Minerva Ashford
Unknown said…
It's just awesome!!! :)

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