Not much has happened in the past month. I haven't finished the rewrite yet. There were some distractions in the month of October such as New York Film Festival and MLB play-offs. I'm a Mets fan but for this post-season, I've been rooting for Anaheim Angels.

Last Sunday night, I went to the closing night party for the New York Film Festival at Man Ray, that fancy restaurant owned by Sean Penn and John Malkovich. I ran into some old friends. As always, there were some obnoxious people including a certain publicist who was being, well, a publicist. I said hello. He said hello back but didn’t even look at me. I know I’m not an A-list but I thought he was very rude. I know this same person would probably kiss my ass if/when I have a successful career. I laughed about it because I was just being as shallow as he was.

Back to the script: I've got to finish it by the end of next week. It's because I'm going to Korea next weekend. I've been invited to a film-related conference in Seoul where I'm supposed to announce my upcoming project "Expats." I don't know what to expect but it should be an interesting trip. I'm also planning to extend my trip to visit Pusan during the film festival. A friend told me the Korean film industry was in crisis. Would this affect my project? Technically, my movie will be an American film but it has a strong Korean element. I really don't know what's going to happen.


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