At least, the weather is fabulous. Never thought Northern California would be so beautiful. Of course, there's nothing much exciting going on. Which is good, because we don't want any distractions.

The production company is located in San Rafael and the hotel is in the middle of nowhere. There's a mall in a walking distance. Never thought I would be a frequent visitor to a suburban mall. Hey, it's actually not so bad. They've got a movie theater and even Macy's.

The movie we're shooting is called CHAW. It's a Korean language film set in Korea. We're pretending N. Cali is Korea. Sounds absurd, huh? Mostly we'll be shooting in the redwood area. The movie is about a gigantic man-eating wild boar. No, I'm not kidding. But it's going to be a fun movie. We've got top notch special and visual effects people working on it.

We're certainly making history, I guess. A few minutes away from the Skywalker Ranch, the angry hairy pig is going to run amok. George, are you interested? :)


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